News and Events

January 18, 2005
The PROFOR Management Board convened for a one-day meeting on Thursday, January 20th, 2005 at the Bolger Center, in Potomac, Maryland. The meeting was organized in conjunction with the National Forest Program (NFP) Facility Steering Committee meeting, which took place January 18th-19th, and a half-day meeting on collaboration between the NFP Facility and PROFOR, held on January 21st. Twenty-three individuals attended the meeting, including PROFOR donors, World Bank and PROFOR staff, colleagues from the NFP Facility and FAO, partners from Forest Trends, and observers from other donor agencies…
December 01, 2004
The World Bank is presently engaged in comprehensive forest sector studies in India that will support new lending for community forestry projects at the state level, and guide policy dialogue between the Bank and the Government of India. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) has established a National Forest Commission, chaired by the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to review forest policy, legislation, administration and institutions in India, particularly as they relate to local communities and tribal people. Through PROFOR support, a partnership comprised of the World…
September 01, 2004
The NFP Facility and PROFOR have cosponsored a special edition of the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) newsletter. This edition focuses on global experience with national forest programs (nfp) to date. Several articles consider "nfps - what have we learned?", addressing general approaches to nfps as well as specific aspects such as financing and improving forest sector governance. Under the theme "linking nfps to national development and international processes," articles cover topics ranging from using nfps to assess cross-sectoral linkages in the forest sector to how to…
May 31, 2004
How does the sustainable use and conservation of forests benefit poor people? And to what extent are such benefits reflected in national poverty reduction strategies and economic planning processes? So far, reference to forests in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers has been more rhetorical than operational. In reality, foresters and conservationists have failed to make a compelling case to policy makers in government finance ministries and development agencies on the contribution that forest conservation makes towards poverty reduction. IUCN, PROFOR-World Bank, ODI, CIFOR and Winrock…
May 03, 2004
UNFF-4 took place in Geneva from 3-14 May 2004. PROFOR was involved in two events:Reforming Forest Fiscal Systems: On May 3, PROFOR hosted a side event on Forest Fiscal Systems to highlight outcomes from the October 2003 Workshop on Reforming Forest Fiscal Systems. At the side event, representatives from Ghana and Brazil delivered updates on fiscal reform in their countries since the October workshop.Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration: On May 5, at a side event on Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration, outcomes from the PROFOR-sponsored Workshop on Economic…