News and Events

March 13, 2006
Continued tropical deforestation of 25-30 million acres per year is the second leading cause of global greenhouse gas emissions, behind fossil fuel combustion. The UNFCCC Parties at COP-11 referred the issue of tropical deforestation to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA) as part of a two-year process. This process is a broad dialogue on procedural, technical and policy issues pertaining to tropical deforestation in developing countries and will result in recommendations to the UNFCCC's COP-13 in December 2007. In partnership with the Rainforest Coalition, PROFOR…
May 23, 2005
At the fifth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF-5) on May 23, 2005, PROFOR and the NFP Facility co-hosted a side event to explore in what ways forests contribute to the broader sustainable development agenda set out by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly those on poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.The Facility and PROFOR provided an overview on what each program is doing to support national forest programs (nfps) and to generate knowledge, tools and strategies to promote forests contribution to achieving the MDGs. The discussion was grounded…
May 16, 2005
The fifth session of UNFF will represent the conclusion of the UNFF's five year mandate. Discussions will focus on the review of the effectiveness of the UNFF and the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. There will be a two-day high-level ministerial segment which will discuss forests contribution to the MDGs, among other matters. PROFOR plans to host a side event in collaboration with the National Forest Programme Facility focusing on forests and the MDGs. For documentation and more information, visit the UNFF Secretariat's website:
March 29, 2005
PROFOR sponsored this country-led initiative in support of the UNFF - "Innovative Financial Mechanisms: Searching for Viable Alternatives to Secure Basis for the Financial Sustainability of Forests" - in San Jose, Costa Rica, from March 29 - April 1, 2005. The meeting comprised three working days and a day for field visits. Read workshop proceedings under Related Content.
February 28, 2005
The 17th Commonwealth Forestry Congress focused on the theme "Forestry's Contribution for Poverty Reduction". At the congress, PROFOR and its partners in the initiative to better measure forests-poverty linkages and integrate forests into poverty reduction strategy process presented on progress to date in the development of the methodological framework for assessing forests-poverty linkages and draw linkages to broader national governance processes. CFC website: