ETFRN special edition on national forest programs

The NFP Facility and PROFOR have cosponsored a special edition of the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) newsletter. This edition focuses on global experience with national forest programs (nfp) to date.

Several articles consider "nfps - what have we learned?", addressing general approaches to nfps as well as specific aspects such as financing and improving forest sector governance. Under the theme "linking nfps to national development and international processes," articles cover topics ranging from using nfps to assess cross-sectoral linkages in the forest sector to how to demonstrate forests' contribution to poverty reduction to forest landscape restoration. Other articles discuss nfps' contribution to regional forest management and highlight country experiences with nfps. The edition also includes information notes on ongoing nfp-related projects and initiatives.

ETFRN News is published twice a year. This special edition (No 41-42 Autumn 2004) and previous and forthcoming editions are available in hard copy or online at:

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NFP Facility, PROFOR

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