News and Events

April 26, 2004
Throughout the world, local and regional governments are becoming increasingly involved in forest-related issues. In some cases such growing dynamism reflects government policies designed to decentralize forest governance and forest management. In other cases it reflects initiatives of local and regional governments themselves, including communities living in and surrounding forest areas, and the increasing power, leverage and resources they have. In light of this trend, the Governments of Switzerland and Indonesia and CIFOR organized a country-led initiative on experiences with decision…
January 28, 2004
In partnership with the Colombian Ministry of Environment, Conservation International-Colombia, IUCN, and Forest Trends, PROFOR organized a Workshop on Economic Incentives for Land Restoration and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) from January 28th to 30th, 2004 in Bogotá, Colombia. Some 140 participants representing local, regional and national governmental authorities, international organizations, conservation NGOs, bilateral donor agencies, academia, and the private sector participated in the three-day workshop. Colombia is drafting a new forest law which may include new economic and…
October 22, 2003
The Forest Investment Forum constituted an unprecedented gathering of nearly 150 senior executives of domestic and multi-national forest product companies, private and public sector financial institutions, and leading conservation agencies from around the world. Organized jointly with World Business Council for Sustainable Development, WWF, Forest Trends, the International Finance Corporation, and the World Bank, the Forum set out to:explore opportunities for investments in environmentally and socially sustainable forestry in developing and economic transition countries;explore actions that…
October 19, 2003
The International Workshop on Reform of Forest Fiscal Systems took place October 19-21 at the World Bank in Washington DC. The Workshop brought together a total of 21 participants from seven countries (Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, and Nicaragua), representing finance ministries, forest departments, academia, and the private sector. A number of bilateral donor and international development agency observers also attended the meeting which was coorganized with the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) and PROFOR. The objectives of the workshop were to…
May 26, 2003
A side event to launch this joint publication of PROFOR and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of Australia is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, June 4 in Geneva. The Summary of the IPF/IFF Proposals for Action is intended to facilitate national-level implementation of the proposals for action. It also draws connections between the proposals for action and the Forest Biodiversity Work Programme of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) with the aim of increasing cooperation between the two processes. See Related content for summary in English, French and Spanish.