News and Events

March 08, 2018
This webinar is the second in a series that introduces innovative multi-sector solutions to help SMEs in the forest sector thrive. This session will examine SMEs working with natural assets like wood and forest products, considering the important role of these SMEs in addressing climate change and inclusive growth. The webinar series lays out key sectoral knowledge and expertise that can contribute to a joint effort to enable SMEs in the forest sector to be competitive and grow in a sustainable manner. Participants will learn: - How instruments like the Forest Investment Program (FIP) have…
January 30, 2018
The LEAVES workshop will focus on innovations, lessons learned and approaches for reducing deforestation from beef, soy, and palm oil production chains. It will also look at approaches for enhancing tree cover while producing shea butter, coffee, cacao and other commodities. Draft agenda is available under logistics below - please check back for a final agenda. To participate in all or part of the workshop, RSVP to fnuhanny@worldbank.orgJoin via WebEx ( number (access code): 737 398…
December 19, 2017
The development challenges of an increasingly connected world demand ever more comprehensive answers – and forests are no exception. The risks to forests stem from multiple sources, from the development of mining and road infrastructure, to expanding agricultural production, to growing demand for wood fuels. To address these challenges in a sustainable manner, leaders and stakeholders from other sectors must be engaged to develop solutions that both minimize damage to forests and optimize forests’ contribution to those sectors - in short, “forest-smart” solutions. What’s more, forest-smart…
October 16, 2017
This course is based on two PROFOR–FAO publications on forest governance. One offers a framework for assessing forest governance and the other describes good assessment practices. In five modules, the course will cover: What is forest governance?How do you write an overall plan for a governance assessment?How do you write a specific plan for data collection?How do you collect and analyze data?How do you achieve impact with your results and prepare for future work? To enroll in the course— 1. Go to the OLC web page. If you have taken an OLC course before, log in to your account. If you are new…
October 05, 2017
Secure tenure is widely recognized as an essential foundation for achieving a range of rural economic development goals. However, tenure rights remain insecure across forest areas in many low and middle-income countries, undermining development objectives and creating risks of negative impacts on local people. Part of the Conference on Community Land and Resource Rights serires, the Reducing Inequality in a Turbulent World event will focus on scaling-up strategies to secure indigenous, community and women’s land rights. Alongside the event, PROFOR will hold a meeting to introduce a new PROFOR…