Leveraging Agricultural Value Chains to Enhance Tropical Tree Cover and Slow Deforestation (LEAVES)

The LEAVES workshop will focus on innovations, lessons learned and approaches for reducing deforestation from beef, soy, and palm oil production chains.  It will also look at approaches for enhancing tree cover while producing shea butter, coffee, cacao and other commodities. Draft agenda is available under logistics below - please check back for a final agenda. 

To participate in all or part of the workshop, RSVP to fnuhanny@worldbank.org

Join via WebEx (https://worldbankgroup.webex.com/worldbankgroup/j.php?MTID=mef9762865c11966d3c262e066748289c)

Meeting number (access code): 737 398 131

Meeting password: Forrest123



World Bank, Washington DC
Event Date

The LEAVES workshop will focus on innovations, lessons learned and approaches for reducing deforestation from beef, soy, and palm oil production chains. It will also look at approaches for enhancing tree cover while producing shea butter, coffee, cacao and other commodities.
