Global Landscapes Forum: Investment Case Symposium 2018
The world loses 7 million hectares of tropical forests each year. At the root of the problem, deforestation and land degradation are often driven by economic pressure. Solutions ranging from international commitments to community-led efforts show progress in reversing this trend but often lack alternative financial incentives to change unsustainable practices.
The GLF Investment Case Symposium identifies how investment in natural landscapes can create triple bottom line returns – economic, social and environmental. The 2015 and 2016 symposia identified sustainable finance solutions to reach this aim and created real commitments, such as the launch of the $300 million Land Degradation Neutrality Fund (LDN Fund) – a public-private partnership for landscape restoration.
This year, the symposium will highlight examples of deal structures that support restoration and sustainable landscape management, and community projects that reflect investment readiness to attract funding. In doing so, the event will connect local community practitioners, project implementers, investors, and policymakers to showcase expertise and opportunities for investment at all scales.
PROFOR is participating in the 2018 GLF Investment Case Symposium, including sharing the latest work on Leveraging Agricultural Value Chains to Enhance Tropical Tree Cover and Slow Deforestation (LEAVES). Participate online through the livestream:

PROFOR is participating in the 2018 GLF Investment Case Symposium, including sharing the latest work on Leveraging Agricultural Value Chains to Enhance Tropical Tree Cover and Slow Deforestation (LEAVES).