Global Landscapes Forum
Shaping the Climate and Development Agenda for Forests and Agriculture
The Global Landscapes Forum brought together preeminent agriculture, forests and climate change researchers, practitioners and policy makers on the sidelines of the UN climate change talks in Warsaw, Poland. The Global Landscapes Forum aimed to bridge sectoral divides, develop a landscape approach and inform future UNFCCC agreements and the achievement of sustainable development goals.
A successor to the influential Forest Days and Agriculture and Rural Development Days held during previous climate change talks, the Global Landscapes Forum billed itself as "the pre-eminent global platform for sharing landscapes development strategies that are climate smart, equitable, productive and profitable, recognizing the central role and identity of farmers and forest-dependent people."
The two-day forum was structured along the following themes:
• Investing in Sustainable Landscapes and Livelihoods
• Landscape Policy and Governance
• Synergies between Adapting and Mitigation Climate Change in Landscapes
• Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition
Visit, for information on the Forum aftermath plus the latest thinking, articles, resources and conversations on landscapes, landscape approaches, and exploring the connection between sustainable forestry, agriculture and development.

The Global Landscapes Forum (November 16-17, 2013) brought together preeminent agriculture, forests and climate change researchers, practitioners and policy makers on the sidelines of the UN climate change talks in Warsaw, Poland. The Global Landscapes Forum aimed to bridge sectoral divides, develop a landscape approach and inform future UNFCCC agreements and the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Hosted by Poland's Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development at the University of Warsaw. The Global Landscapes Forum is jointly coordinated by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and the Agriculture and Rural Development Consortium.