Forest Financing Stategies and Country Experiences -- UNFF8, New York


On April 20, 2009, PROFOR and the NFP Facility took advantage of government delegates gathered at UNFF8 in New York to host a side event presenting “Forest Financing Strategies and Country Experiences”.

It provided an up-to-date assessment of financing needs for sustainable forest management (SFM) at the global level, and how these needs are being supported, as well as the challenges and opportunities for forest financing, at the national level within the specific context of Guatemala. 

Speakers included Gerhard Dieterle, the World Bank Forest Advisor; Jerker Thunberg, NFP Facility Manager, FAO, who made introductory remarks; Markku Simula, lead author of "Financing Flows and Needs to Implement the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests" (see Related Content), who presented financing flows and needs; Marco Boscolo of NFP Facility who presented a summary of country experiences, and Rafael Rodriguez of the Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB), who talked about how this applied to Guatemala. 

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