PROFOR at the 2015 World Forestry Congress
The 14th World Forestry Congress (WFC) is hosted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 7-11 September, 2015 in Durban, South Africa, and brings together a range of stakeholders in support of sustainable forest management.
Forests have a vital role to play in meeting significant development objectives, and in mitigation and adaptation against the impacts of climate change. But given alarming global rates of deforestation and increasing demand for timber and forest products, making the most of forests’ benefits over the long term requires a drastic change in how we manage these valuable resources. This year’s event is particularly important ahead of two pivotal upcoming events: the adoption of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, and the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris.
As part of the WFC 2015 program, PROFOR is supporting a number of presentations and discussions related to forest governance; data; and benefit-sharing arrangements for forest communities:
- Sharing benefits equitably - Learning from experience (Session 3, Breakout B) Wednesday 09 September, 11:15 – 12:45, Room 11CDE
- Benefit-sharing arrangements for REDD+ (Side event) Wednesday 09 September, 12:45 – 14:15
- Better information for better forest governance – The role and potential of forest governance assessment and monitoring (Side event) Wednesday 09 September, 19:45 – 21:00
- Using evidence-based engagement and communications to inform global forestry policies and practice (Side event) Wednesday 09 September, 19:45 – 21:00
- Improving data on socio-economic benefits of forests Friday 11 September, 12:45 – 14:15
- Improving governance and financing for forests (side event) Friday 11 September, 12:45 – 14:15
In addition, the World Bank Group is contributing to several other events, including:
- Forests and people – Investing in a sustainable future (Opening Plenary) Monday 07 September, 14:45 – 16-15, Hall 4/5/6
- More than heat! Wood energy for the future (Special event) Tuesday 08 September, 16:15 – 18-15, Hall 5/6
- Sustainable forest landscapes (TerrAfrica side event) Monday 07 September, 19:45 - 21:00
Find out more about the WFC and the events listed above visit the FAO’s website, and follow PROFOR on Facebook and on Twitter for updates and information on efforts towards a more sustainable future for forests and people.

The 14th World Forestry Congress (WFC) is hosted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 7-11 September, 2015 in Durban, South Africa, and brings together a range of stakeholders in support of sustainable forest management. As part of the WFC 2015 program, PROFOR is supporting a number of presentations and discussions related to forest governance; data; and benefit-sharing arrangements for forest communities.