PROFOR at the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress

At the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress, PROFOR participated in sessions on Implementing the World Bank Group Forest Action Plan (FAP) and on Who Benefits, How much? How to adequately measure human welfare impacts in forest conservation initiatives. A new Forest SWIFT (Survey of Wellbeing via Instant and Frequent Tracking) tool being developed as part of the PROFOR forests and poverty program was presented at both session and the PROFOR Forest Governance Tool was highlighted at the session on implementing the FAP.

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At the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress, PROFOR participated in sessions on Implementing the World Bank Group Forest Action Plan (FAP) and on Who Benefits, How much? How to adequately measure human welfare impacts in forest conservation initiatives. A new Forest SWIFT (Survey of Wellbeing via Instant and Frequent Tracking) tool being developed as part of the PROFOR forests and poverty program was presented at both session and the PROFOR Forest Governance Tool was highlighted at the session on implementing the FAP.
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