Private Forestry in Macedonia and Its Role in the National Forest Strategy Process

The study in this publication was developed as a national status quo analysis to the CEPF coordinated and World Bank PROFOR Programme financed project addressing the South East European (SEE) sub-region's forest policy development concerning private forests. The project addressed this issue in all three target countries within the policy frame of the respective national forest programme or strategy processes (Albania, Macedonia, Serbia). In SEE, non-state forestry organisations are still less developed and are in need for policy assistance and capacity building. Private and community forest owners have difficulties to adequately participate in the policy setting of national and cross-sectoral dimensions such as e.g. national forest programme implementation. This is even the case in Albania and in Macedonia, where national level organisations of forest owners for interest representation already exist (2008). 

(Macedonia language begining page 7 and English language beginign page 47).

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