FIP-FCPF Knowledge Day

The joint FIP-FCPF Knowledge Day brought together some 150 participants from over 40 countries in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR on Sept 28, 2017 in conjunction with Forest Investment Program (FIP) and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) pilot country and country participant annual reporting and planning meetings. This event focused on knowledge sharing and joint learning on a wide range of topics such as engaging private sector in landscape programs, small and medium forest enterprise financing for sustainable forest management, successes and challenges in combating illegal logging, and communicating on REDD+.  Three gender knowledge sessions focused on sharing lessons and examples of gender-responsive practices, activities, policies, strategies and actions in relation to initiatives in forest landscapes. Motivated by a widespread desire to take more actions in forest projects to address gender constraints and opportunities in a manner that is project-specific, appropriate, and actionable, these learning-based sessions addressed strategies and approaches for gender-responsive project design, implementation and monitoring.

As part of PROFOR's Catalyzing Gender-Forest Actions Program, three gender knowledge sessions were held to share lessons and examples of gender-responsive practices, activities, policies, strategies and actions in relation to initiatives in forest landscapes. Below are a set of documents related to these sessions, including:

  • A document that summarizes the presentations and discussions in the gender-forests sessions, showing how many countries are now implementing gender-responsive forest activities, policies and approaches.
  • A document on the gender sessions held at the Knowledge Day in Laos and speaker’s short biographies are found in this document.
  • A short presentation introducing gender gaps, actions and analytical approaches to measuring them in the context of forest-related initiatives is found here.
  • A table that presents examples of gender gaps and actions aimed at addressing them in the context of forest landscape projects and programs.
  • A table presents potential gender indicators in forestry project outcome pathways.
Villa Santi Hotel and Resort, Luang Prabang
Event Date

The joint FIP-FCPF Knowledge Day brought together some 150 participants from over 40 countries in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR on Sept 28, 2017 in conjunction with Forest Investment Program (FIP) and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) pilot country and country participant annual reporting and planning meetings.

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