PROFOR supported forest policy dialogue in India

The World Bank is presently engaged in comprehensive forest sector studies in India that will support new lending for community forestry projects at the state level, and guide policy dialogue between the Bank and the Government of India. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) has established a National Forest Commission, chaired by the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to review forest policy, legislation, administration and institutions in India, particularly as they relate to local communities and tribal people.

Through PROFOR support, a partnership comprised of the World Bank, Forest Trends, PROFOR and MOEF presented case studies on global experiences with community forest management to diverse audiences including the National Forest Commission, the Prime Minister's office, NGOs, tribal leaders and state officers. Through this dialogue, leaders from different states were brought together to build consensus, an opportunity was created for states to influence federal policy, and dialogue with other sectors was encouraged.

The MoEF noted the need for external assistance and Joint Forest Management in India, current policies and legal framework, and key challenges ahead for conservation and improving livelihoods. The Bank presented preliminary results from its ongoing studies in two states, covering forest management and resource assessment systems, legal framework, institutions, marketing systems, and community perspectives. Forest Trends, an international NGO based in Washington DC, highlighted global experiences on how other countries have made the transition to community forestry.

Sub Title
December 2004, New Delhi, India
Event Date
Event Partners & Organizers

World Bank, Forest Trends, PROFOR and India's Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF)

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