Coffee and Cocoa Agroforestry Systems: Pathways to Deforestation, Reforestation, and Tree Cover Change

Coffee cultivation covers 11 million hectares and involves 10 million farmers producing 22 million tons of green coffee annually. Coffee production influences the livelihoods of some 125 million people. Cocoa cultivation covers 10.2 million hectares and involves 10 million cocoa farmers producing 4.47 million tons annually. Cocoa production influences the livelihoods of some 40-50 million people. Globally, 48% of coffee and 31% of cocoa is cultivated under shade in agroforest systems. Coffee and cocoa are drivers of both deforestation and reforestation. This report identifies the drivers of the deforestation footprint of coffee and cocoa cultivation, offers recommendations on increasing their role as agents of reforestation, and pinpoints knowledge gaps in coffee and cocoa producing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
