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Unlocking the Potential of Small and Medium Forest Enterprises

Extractive industries in forest landscapes: balancing the trade-offs and maximizing the benefits

Harnessing forests for nature-based solutions to disaster rick management

Biodiversity Offsets User Guide

Taking tree-based ecosystem approaches to scale

Integrating Ecosystem Services into Forest Land Use Planning in the Philippines

China: Sustainable Forest Management and Financing

Programmatic Approach on Forest Management in South Asia

Evaluating Mexico’s Payment for Environmental Services Scheme

Balancing Mining Development and Forest Conservation in the Congo Basin

Understanding the Forestry-Poverty Linkages in Rural Communities in Armenia

Understanding Forests’ Contribution to Poverty Reduction

Lowlands Multi-Sectoral Development and Restoration Options Analysis in Indonesia

Ukraine: Support of forest sector reforms through information platforms

Bringing Forest and Poverty into Focus in Argentina

Climate Change Impacts on Forest and Rangeland Ecosystems in MENA

Towards Low–Carbon Rural Development - Materializing the Landscape Approach Through Enhanced Alignments of National Programs Sup

Framework for Development and Management of Coastal Forests in Vietnam

Household Surveys on Forest Use, Poverty and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Georgia

Analyzing the potential for developing forest plantations in Kazakhstan

Madagascar Needs Assessment of Scientific and Technical Capacity Related to Management and Conservation of Precious Woods

Gabon Forestry

Mozambique Forest Sector Review and Knowledge Management

Improving the Forests Database to Support Sustainable Forest Management

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New solutions to persistent problems: ICTs can help protect forests but they're only one part of the answer

Congo Basin Timber

Commercial Reforestation Potential in Colombia

Improving Business Climate for Planted Forests

Global Review of ICT tools for Forest Knowledge Management and Information Systems and Application to Indonesia

The role of forests in achieving the twin goals - a case study for the Philippines

Forest Resilience for the Southern Amazon: Managing the Agricultural Frontier

Integrated landscape management in Tunisia

Close-to-Nature Planted Forest (CTNPF)

Mechanisms to incentivize the re-establishment and scaling up of native species forest plantations in the State of Sao Paulo, Br

Forest Governance Monitoring and Assessment: A Program of Dissemination, Learning and Implementation

Understanding the potential for India's Forests to Combat Poverty and Promote Shared Prosperity

Turkey Forest Villages: Socioeconomic study of forest villagers to better understand the causes of out-migration, forest depende

Trees and smallholder agriculture - a household perspective from Sub-Saharan Africa

PROFOR in 2016: The importance of forests across all levels and sectors

The year 2016 was a powerful reminder that trees and forests play a critical role in our environment, economy and society – and that we face tremendous obstacles in protecting and sustainably managing them. With 2016 on track to be the hottest year on record and major development challenges remaining, forests are integral to addressing climate change and building more resilient and economically prosperous communities worldwide. These concerns are seeing progress in global commitments like the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement; building the knowledge base to fulfill these objectives is more important than ever.    

Here at PROFOR, our work over the last year reflects the need to improve our understanding of forests over multiple dimensions. We supported research not only across a range of levels, from fields to countries to landscapes, but also across an array of sectors, since the factors impacting forests are almost always tied to external development agendas. This was made possible through PROFOR’s new programmatic approach, which takes a broad view of forestry’s links to sectors like energy, small and medium enterprises, extractive industries, and disaster risk management, but also areas like poverty and gender.    

Our latest research sheds light on the economic benefits of growing trees on farms in Africa, and how improving methodologies for valuing forests can pinpoint how much they contribute to economic growth. While it’s been known for a while that over a billion people worldwide depend on forests for their livelihoods, it’s less clear if and how forests can provide a pathway out of poverty – PROFOR is supporting a number of forest partners in finding answers.

In Mexico and Kazakhstan, we promoted forest programs with strong community participation. These projects are creating jobs, reducing illegal logging, and building resilience in the face of climate change’s uncertain impacts. In other areas, our research has shown that investing in forests holds significant untapped potential. In the Congo Basin, for instance – home to the world’s second largest tropical forest –building a formal, professional timber industry could go a long way towards improving livelihoods, strengthening legal and sustainable timber markets, and protecting biodiversity-rich ecosystems. Around the world, forests could play a much larger role in reducing the impacts of natural disasters like landslides and storm surge.  

Even where economic development and sustainable forestry seem intractably at odds, PROFOR is helping to find a way forward. In the Republic of Congo, where pressures to exploit minerals and develop agriculture threaten the forests that millions of people rely on, PROFOR helped to produce a roadmap for integrated land use planning. In Mozambique, we supported a roadmap for biodiversity offsets, a “last resort” conservation solution for protecting habitats while tapping into the country’s much-needed mineral and petroleum resources.             

In addition to supporting some 40 activities in 2016 (listed below), PROFOR team members voiced the importance of designing gender savvy development projects; scaling up agricultural practices and innovative financing to restore landscapes; and sustainably managing Southern Africa’s endangered Miombo Woodlands.  

As we assess the achievements of 2016 and look to the challenges in the year ahead, the centrality of forests remains clear, for people and for the planet. This tenet will continue to drive PROFOR’s progress in improving what we know – and shaping how we act – when it comes to our valuable forests.

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Last Updated : 06-16-2024