Pathways to Green Growth in Africa: A Practitioners’ Workshop

Pathways to Green Growth in Africa: A Practitioners’ Workshop

April 2-3, 2014

Grand Hotel, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (Rooms TBA)

Wednesday and Thursday, April 2-3, 2014

PROFOR Sessions: April 3rd at 2:30-5:30 PM

The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) held its second regional Practitioners’ Workshop on Green Growth in Africa on April 2nd and 3rd. The Workshop convened approximately 130 representatives of African governments, private sector, civil society representatives and researchers for two days of sessions and seminars in Kinshasa, DRC. The event aimed to help set a vision for green(er) growth in Africa. The workshop promoted exchange of knowledge, improved policy linkages between promoting climate resilient and low emissions growth strategies and durable economic and social development, and promoted uptake on green growth approaches, research capacity and practices.

Two of the Workshop sessions were on PROFOR supported activities, occurring simultaneously on April 3rd from 2:30-5:30p:

Session 2A: “Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance: A Hands-on Introduction on How to Do It” discussed a framework jointly developed by FAO and PROFOR to clarify the scope of what comprises good governance for the forest sector. It led the participants through a hands-on exercise of applying the PROFOR forest governance diagnostics tool.  A small set of forest governance indicators were scored and the results were discussed from the particular viewpoint of how to design and implement a reform agenda. The session was co-facilitated by Nalin Kishor (Sr. Nat. Res. Economist, PROFOR) and Prof. Edouard Bonkoungou (Director,CFEDD, Burkina Faso).

Session 2C: “Climate Resilience: Adaptation and Mitigation” dealt with challenges countries confront in the context of growing impacts of climate change and how they could adapt to and manage these impacts to minimize the risk of being knocked off their path to achieving their development goals. During this session, PROFOR work examining how to adapt to climate change in the wood energy sector in Burkina Faso was presented by Martial Charpin, Technical Adviser, PERACOD, Senegal. The study examines in detail the wood energy subsector in Burkina Faso and examines adaptation strategies for the subsector, including strategies for modernizing the wood energy supply chain.


To learn more about the information presented in these sessions, please see the related Field Note and presentations (in PDF format) on the left. 

Grand Hotel, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Event Date
Event Image

The Pathways to Green Growth in Africa: A Practitioners’ Workshop convened approximately 130 representatives of African governments, private sector, civil society representatives and researchers for two days of sessions and seminars. PROFOR events at the workshop aimed to help set a vision for green(er) growth in Africa.

Event Partners & Organizers

Hosted by the Government of DRC and co-organized by The World Bank and GIZ, with financing from the German Cooperation, the Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS), Global Partnership and PROFOR.

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