Digging In: New Opportunities for Mining and Conservation in Africa

"Heart of Iron," a documentary about mining in the Congo Basin rainforest, was screened at an event sponsored by World Wildlife Fund, the World Bank Oil, Gas and Mining unit and the Africa Region Sustainable Development Department.


Heart of Iron Trailer from Heart of Iron Film

When: Tuesday May 28, 2013
3:00 - 5:00 PM (Reception to follow)
Where: World Wildlife Fund-US, 1250 24th St., NW, Washington, DC 20037


  • Jamal Saghir, Director, Sustainable Development Department, World Bank
  • David Reed, Sr. Vice President, Policy, World Wildlife Fund-US
  • Allard Blom, Managing Director, Congo Basin, World Wildlife Fund-US
  • Carole Megevand, Senior Natural Resource Specialist, World Bank
  • Leo Bottrill, Film Director


  • Paulo de Sa, Sector Manager, Oil, Gas & Mining, World Bank


About the film (from its producers):

In the heart of the Congo Basin, global thirst for steel has driven miners to a vast, remote forest landscape called Tridom (Tri-national Dja-Odzala-Minkébé), which holds one of the largest untapped iron reserves on earth.

Shot on location, Heart of Iron explores the complexity of mining in a region that is home to Baka and Bakola pygmy and Bantu tribes and a haven for gorillas, chimpanzees, and elephants. The iron mines promise jobs, infrastructure, and new revenues but can benefits be balanced with impacts? From ministers to miners, conservationists to community members, the film asks: How do we ensure that mining benefits the poor and conserves Tridom's rich cultural and natural heritage?

About the WWF and the World Bank:

For several years, the World Bank and World Wildlife Fund have worked together to collaborate on-the-ground in several Africa countries, notably in the Congo Basin. One visible part of this collaboration has been the production of the documentary film, Heart of Iron: Mining in the Congo Basin Rain Forest, supported not only by the World Bank but also UNESCO/EU.

The World Bank and WWF are now signing an agreement to formalize an on-going collaboration to increase effectiveness and impact in the region. This MOU will provide a framework that opens opportunities for additional collaboration in the region. During this event, participants will discuss opportunities and challenges for such collaboration to address mining and conservation in Africa.

Washington DC
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"Heart of Iron," a documentary about mining in the Congo Basin rainforest, was screened at an event in Washington DC sponsored by World Wildlife Fund, the World Bank Oil, Gas and Mining unit and the Africa Region Sustainable Development Department.

Event Partners & Organizers

World Bank, WWF

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