Linking Land Tenure Regularization and Forest Management in Honduras

In 2007, forest land tenure was undergoing profound changes in Honduras with the government getting ready to move ahead with the regularization of public forest lands. Without regularization, the risk was that growing conflict between different interests would lead to further degadation of resources and increasing inequality. However, the regularization process itself could be laden with dangers, if criteria and institutional mechanisms to determine rights in ways that ensure equity, transparency and manage conflict were not properly put in place. 

To support the Government of Honduras' efforts to regularize forest land tenure in the country, PROFOR financed analysis of different arrangements of forest ownership and forest access / control rights and their implications for responsible use and equity.

The analysis was completed in June 2007. See related PDFs in Spanish. The project aimed to reduce the risks associated with ongoing titling processese and enhance safeguards for poor and vulnerable groups.


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Author : Overseas Development Institute (ODI), CATIE
Last Updated : 06-16-2024