Resilient Landscape ā€“Develop Learning to Support Operations


Land degradation, deforestation, climate variability and unsustainable land use represent multi-dimensional challenges that require integrated solutions across boundaries to address. For example, programs that promote resilient landscapes should be designed to connect forests, croplands, irrigated agricultural lands, woodlands, protected areas, and agro-silvo-pastoral lands that will optimize the provision and utilization of ecosystem services. Subsequently, World Bank client countries have been increasingly seeking support to move towards such an integrated approach to manage the multi-faceted challenges of managing land, water and other natural resources. This activity will, therefore, consolidate knowledge products that stakeholders can utilize to enhance their knowledge and create synergy on applying resilient landscape concepts to their work.


Two main activity components will be undertaken under this program:

1: Develop and launch a full online Landscape Approach 101 eCourse to be published on the WB Open Learning Campus for WB staff and external clients. The eCourse will consist of 4-5 hours of self-paced learning and will include discussions on key concepts and elements of creating an enabling environment for a landscape approach and the governance structures and tools that support landscape operation. A learning brochure and CD will be produced to accompany the course.

2: Support operationalizing resilient landscape through peer-to-peer knowledge exchange activities by pairing peers at the project level and across regions and countries. The e-course contents will be adapted into face-to-face learning modules, followed by a series of facilitated on-line learning events, BBLs, and putting together practical guides for operational teams.


  1. The full online eCourse on Landscape Approach 101 launched in March 2017 published on the WB Open Learning Campus. A self-paced course is now available (see link at left). 
  2. In partnership with African Unionā€˜s NEPAD-TerrAfrica Secretariat, and the Bankā€™s ENR GP, the eCourse contents have been adapted into face-to-face training materials and were used them to support a regional training on ā€œResilience Landscapeā€ in Nairobi, Kenya in July 2016. Attendees included Natural Resource Management (NRM) project managers, country program coordinators, Sustainable Land Management (SLM) focal points from ministries of Environment, Forestry, and of Agriculture, representing 18 TerrAfrica countries -- Lesotho, Kenya, Togo, DRC, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Madagascar, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Cote dā€™Ivoire, Ghana, Gambia, Senegal, Burundi, Niger, and Comoros. The attendees rated the training highly and served to test the content of the adapted eCourse.
  3. The Bankā€™s ENR GP and Climate Change CCSA, in collaboration with Mozambique Government delivered a training workshop on the ā€œLandscape Approachā€ in Nampula, Mozambique, in February 2017. The content of the training was mainly adapted from the Landscape Approach 101 e-course. Participants included 50 representatives of institutions that have direct interest on the landscape approach in Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Zambezia provinces, where the World Bank is supporting the preparation and/or implementation of different integrated landscape management projects. These include the Mozambique Forest Investment Project, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Landscape Management Project, Mozambique Conservation Project, and REDD+ Readiness support.

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Last Updated : 06-16-2024