Institutional Changes in Forest Management Experiences

Experiences of Countries with Transition Economies: Problems and Solutions

In February 2003, the International Workshop on Institutional Changes in Forest Management in Countries with Transition Economies took place in Moscow, Russia. The workshop, organized jointly by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the World Bank with support from PROFOR, brought together participants from 18 countries with transition economies, including representatives of government, the private sector, academia and non-governmental organizations. The one-day event provided an opportunity for decision-makers within the Russian forest sector and transition countries to benefit from the experience of other transition countries.
Discussions focused on key issues for the development of the Russian forest sector, such as benefits and risks associated with concession management, opportunities associated with forest certification, approaches to forest institution reform and public-private partnerships. Balancing the economic, ecological and social roles of forests was also a central topic in the discussions.
The workshop resulted in a number of conclusions and recommendations to inform the process of forest policy reform. It also led to the launch of a publication series on Changes in Forest Management in Transtion Economies.
This report is a collection of papers presented and speeches delivered at the International Workshop on Institutional Changes in Forest Management, the outcomes of the workshop, and a number of background papers intended to place the workshop in context of the World Bank's Forest Strategy and operations in the region.


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Last Updated : 06-16-2024