Carbon Payments for Afforestation/ Reforestation Work in Small-scale Forest Plantations in Mozambique


How can rural communities take advantage of complex REDD+ initiatives to reduce poverty? What are some of the barriers to bottom-up, community climate change projects?


In order to map out opportunities and hurdles facing rural communities in developing countries, a framework for a community forest climate project was developed in Zambézia Province, Mozambique during 2008-2009 by Indufor. Lessons learned were summarized in a paper called "Lessons from developing a REDD+ A/R project in Zambézia, Mozambique." This work complements the IIED publication "Preparing for REDD in dryland forests," also supported by PROFOR.

The Indufor paper summarizes the 10 most important lessons learned while designing the Zambézia project framework: 
  1. Land is not abundant and access to land must be secured 
  2. There are significant barriers to entry in the carbon market
  3. Forest climate projects must be developed under an internationally recognized offset standard
  4. There is very little capacity, at all levels, in Mozambique to develop forest climate projects
  5. Carbon projects should be developed promoting also other activities simultaneously
  6. Communicating the concept and the principles of a "carbon project" to rural communities in Mozambique is extremely challenging
  7. Regular and upfront payments are required to maintain interest and to show that the project is real
  8. Carbon projects can take a long time to develop
  9. Upfront external investment is a pre-requisite for the start-up phase of a community carbon project
  10. A management organization that will coordinate and manage the activities is critical to the success of the project

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Author : Indufor
Last Updated : 06-15-2024