International Year of Forests -- An Ongoing Forest Lesson

The United Nations made "Forests for People" the theme of the 2011 International Year of Forests, to celebrate the central role people play in conserving and managing forest resources. This initiative has also prompted the Collaborative Partnership on Forests to put together a calendar of thematic press releases exploring all sorts of forest facets.

The press releases, gathered in one place by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, give a sense of the breadth and depth of forests issues and places forests at the heart of many human concerns from health to livelihoods, agriculture, gender equality, energy and climate change.

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The United Nations made "Forests for People" the theme of the 2011 International Year of Forests, to celebrate the central role people play in conserving and managing forest resources. This initiative has also prompted the Collaborative Partnership on Forests to put together a calendar of thematic press releases exploring all sorts of forest facets.

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