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World Bank project in Honduras





Supporting Forest Stakeholders' Participation in Forest Consultative Councils


Lack of community participation in forest control and supervision often hold back efforts to improve forest law enforcement and solve issues affecting indigenous people and local community's livelihoods and access to forest resources.


The aim of this activity was to support grassroots organizations targeting forest stakeholders at communal, municipal and departmental (sub national) levels in Honduras to establish Forest Consultative Councils as mandated by the new forestry law (Ley Forestal Decreto 98-2007).


This activity implemented by Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CONADEH) promoted the organization of 88 Forestry Communal Councils and 24 Municipal Councils in four departments of Honduras with important forest areas (Olancho, Yoro, Francisco Morazán and El Paraiso), specifically in the area of influence of the Forests and Rural Productivity Project (PBPR) financed by the World Bank.

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Author : CONADEH
Last Updated : 06-16-2024