PROFOR Closing Report: Knowledge for Sustainable Forest Management

PROFOR remained relevant, technically strong and innovative over its 18 years at the World Bank. From 2002 to 2020, it received $52 million from its donors and implemented over 270 activities across its four themes of livelihoods, governance, finance and cross-sectoral collaboration. These activities in turn leveraged approximately $1.6 billion of World Bank lending, a significant achievement in influence for a knowledge program.

This PROFOR closing report assesses the relevance of PROFOR-funded activities; degree of engagement, uptake, and influence of the activities by decision makers, practitioners, and other stakeholders and partnerships; and how these facilitated the development of the research agenda and the uptake and influence of the activities. Lessons for the PROGREEN multidonor trust fund, which will follow PROFOR, are also included in the report.

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Last Updated : 06-16-2024